Antique Wooden Trunk
Blue Blurred Dot

Get swept away!


"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." ~ Maya Angelou




The Away Series is a roller coaster of love and loss. Follow Melanie through the heart-wrenching challenges of life and discover the limitless abilities of a woman yearning for control.

available exclusively on amazon and kindle unlimited


My Brother's Halo

How can being ten minutes late destroy your life? Tessa Travis is about to discover just that. After a night of partying, she shows up late to pick up her brother, Theo, from school. While she's waiting, the unthinkable happens...a shooter terrorizes the school, and Theo is one of the victims.

While Theo lays unresponsive in his hospital bed, Tessa recounts other significant events from her past while trying to come to terms with the possibility he may never wake up.

Tessa's life is on a downward spiral of drinking, drugs, and sex. She feels alone and scared and is one tragedy away from the point of no return. Then something happens, she starts hallucinating an angel is reaching out to her. Blaming his presence on drugs, she disregards the warnings and advice, and begins to question her own belief in God and what’s right and wrong.

Is God real? Do angels exist? Why aren’t prayers ever answered?

At the worst time of her life, Tessa forgets that there are others who can help. Her faith is shattered, and it just may mean the difference between life and death.

Broken Target

Divorced at twenty-two, Lexi Manning is trying her hand at adulting. Having obtained employment for the first time in her young life, she is on top of the world… for a few moments, anyway. She and the intern don’t get along, and her boss keeps sending her mixed signals.

On top of that, two of her job sites become crime scenes, placing Lexi at the top of the murder suspect list. The sexy detective investigating the murders remembers Lexi from a night out partying and believes she is a reckless, gun wielding, alcoholic with anger management issues. While he keeps trying to lock her in jail, Lexi is intent on getting him in her bed.

Though falling in love again is the last thing on this divorcee’s mind, she battles her attraction to the detective, as he seems intent on only thinking the worst of her. At least until Lexi becomes the target of the murderer…


Living in Cleveland, Ohio I am too often trapped inside my house during inclement weather. A decade ago I may have wrapped myself in a blanket and opened a book, but today I prefer to lose myself in a story of my own creation. My husband and two children are especially accommodating when I lose myself in a writing session and never seem too offended when I shoo them away because I am in the zone. I graduated from the University of Akron with degrees in Psychology and Sociology and have a Masters in Public Administration. I like to spend my free time writing or reading and occasionally…cooking dinner for my husband.

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